His background
2021: Lawyer’s patent (first bar)
2019: University of Fribourg, Master of Law (MLaw)
2017: University of Fribourg, Bachelor of Law (BLaw)
His experience
2019-2023: Lenz & Staehelin, associate
2018-2019: University of Fribourg, research assistant
Since 2024: Streng SA
Membership of associations
Expert Suisse
Geneva Bar Association (2021)
Neukomm F. / Cramer S., L’assistance administrative internationale en matière fiscale – les procédures d’échange de renseignements, in: OREF, Les procédures en droit fiscal, 4e éd.
2021: Lecturer in LLM Tax at the University of Geneva (taxation of investment funds)
Since 2021: Fund Academy, Introductory module on investment fund taxation