His background
Lawyer’s patent (first bar) (2021)
University of Fribourg, Master of Law (MLaw) (2019)
University of Fribourg, Bachelor of Law (BLaw) (2017)
His experience
Streng SA (2024 – to date)
Lenz & Staehelin, associate (2019 – 2023)
University of Fribourg, research assistant (2018 – 2019)
Membership of associations
Expert Suisse
Neukomm F. / Cramer S., L’assistance administrative internationale en matière fiscale – les procédures d’échange de renseignements, in: OREF, Les procédures en droit fiscal, 4e éd.
Lecturer in LLM Tax at the University of Geneva (taxation of investment funds) (2021)
Fund Academy, Introductory module on investment fund taxation (since 2021)