Residence and work permits
We manage all categories of residence and work permits for European and third-country nationals: setting up companies, new hires, expatriates, intra-group transfer of managers/specialists, cross-border commuters, seconded employees and service providers including online advertisements, self-employed workers, family reunification, student permits, Ci permits (hiring spouses/children of international civil servants), permits without gainful employment (pensioners, lump sum, residence with partner, residence prior to marriage, etc.), early granting of settlement permits (C permits), renewal/extension for all types of permits and hardship cases.
We assist our clients with immigration-related questions such as registration formalities, change of canton, change of address or civil status, visa applications, applications for leave of absence and return, etc.
Lastly, we also deal with related administrative procedures (advice on importing goods, moving effects, social security, links with service providers, e.g. insurance, schools for children, etc.).
We accompany candidates for naturalisation along the process, with a view to preparing the file and we assist them in their dealings with the competent authorities.