Anthony Rüttimann

Senior Associate
MLaw, Senior tax advisor

Several years of professional experience in tax advice for individuals and legal entities, in terms of direct and indirect taxes. Additional practical experience in the following areas: social insurance, occupational and private pension plans, immigration law, FINMA mandates (Investigator and Auditor).


French, English, German

Bar admission

Not admitted to the Bar


ExpertSuisse – Education leading to the Tax Expert Certification (ongoing)   
IAF Certified Financial Advisor (2013 – 2014)
University of Lausanne (Master of Law, commercial area, Magna cum laude) (2011 – 2013)
University of Lausanne (Bachelor of Law, specification Good exams) (2007 – 2010)

Positions Held

Streng SA – Senior Tax Advisor (2021 to date)
Python – Senior Tax Advisor (2020)
Echo SA – Senior Tax Advisor (2017 – 2019)
Echo SA (prev. SFG Conseil SA, 2014 – 2016)
RSM Switzerland (prev. DS Tax Consulting SA) – Tax Advisor (2012 – 2014)

Selected Publications

L’impôt sur les successions dans les relations franco-suisses (Traitement fiscal des mutations à titre gratuit sous l’égide de la Convention de double imposition franco-suisse en matière de successions, de 1953, en comparaison avec le projet remanié proposé en 2013) – Editions Universitaires Européenne

Recent Speeches

Financial institutions in Geneva


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